
The fees quoted below are for standard applications, except where specified. More complex matters will attract higher fees, but we will always advise you on this.

Becoming a British Citizen

Once a migrant meets certain residence and eligibility criteria including a minimum residence and good character requirements, he/she may apply to naturalise as a British citizen. In certain scenarios, adults and children may be able to acquire British citizenship by ‘registration’.  The agreed fee will depend upon the specific type of naturalisation /registration application as well as the issues, urgencies, and complexities involved. Complex cases, for example, those with substantial excess absences or good character issues.


Naturalise as British Citizen 

Available to individuals who have already obtained settled status in the UK (either Permanent Residence or Indefinite Leave to Remain) and held it for 12 months. We will charge you a fee from £1300-£3500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Naturalise as British Citizen – Married to a British Citizen

Available to individuals who have already obtained settled status in the UK (either Permanent Residence or Indefinite Leave to Remain) and are married to a British Citizen. We will charge you a fee from £1300-£3500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Nationality plus passport

We will charge you a fee from £2500-3500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Register a Child as a British citizen

Available to children under 18 years old who wish to obtain British nationality. We will charge you a fee from £2000 -£4000 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


British Passport

After your naturalisation or registration if you wish to apply for your first British passport our agreed fee is £700-1500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

First Child British Passport

If you wish to apply for your first British passport our agreed fee is £1500-3000 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Family members of British Citizens / settled persons

Available for those who are family members of British citizens who wish to reside in the UK on this basis. Immigration permission is available for overseas family members of British citizens or individuals settled in the UK.

Spouse or partner

An overseas spouse or unmarried partner of a person settled in the UK may be able to apply for immigration permission to join their spouse or partner in the UK. Both the applicant and partner must be 18 or over and the applicant must meet the relevant financial requirement.

Our fees for entry clearance / Leave to remain application as a spouse of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied only through employment of the sponsor is starting from £2500 – £4500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Our fees for entry clearance / Leave to remain application as a spouse of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied through self-employment, rental income or savings of the sponsor/applicant is starting from £3,500 – £5500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.



We will charge you a fee from £2,000 – £3500 plus VAT* for our professional immigration services in relation to your entry clearance application as a fiancé(e) of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied only through employment of the sponsor. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

We will charge you a fee from £2,200 – £3500 plus VAT* for our professional immigration services in relation to your entry clearance application as a fiancé(e) of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied through self-employment, rental income or savings of the sponsor/applicant. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Unmarried Partner

We will charge you a fee from £2,500 – £4000 plus VAT* for our professional immigration services in relation to your entry clearance / leave to remain application as an unmarried partner of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied through employment of the sponsor/applicant.

We will charge you a fee from £2500 – £4500 plus VAT* for our professional immigration services in relation to your entry clearance application as an unmarried partner of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied through self-employment, rental income or savings of the sponsor/applicant. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


An overseas parent of a British child or a child settled or child living  in the UK may apply to live with their child in the UK. The child must be under 18 and the applicant must have sole or shared parental responsibility.

Our fees for an individual parent under parent route start from £2,600-£6500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities



An overseas child of a person settled in the UK may apply for immigration permission if they are unmarried and under 18. If a child is 18 or older, they may apply for an extension in this category, however, they must demonstrate that they do not live an independent life.

Our fees for an individual parent of a person settled in the UK applications fee starts from £2600 – £6500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities

Our fees for a child applicant to leave to remain under private life  starts from £2600 – £6500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities


Settlement under Immigration Rules – indefinite leave to remain in the UK

Migrants in eligible categories may apply to obtain ILR (i.e. to settle in the UK), once they satisfy certain conditions including continuous residence in the UK, knowledge of English language and life in the UK, and an intention to settle in the UK.

Our fees for Indefinite Leave to remain application as a spouse of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied only through employment of the sponsor/applicant is starting from £2600 – £3,900 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Our fees for Indefinite leave to remain application as a spouse of a settled person where the financial requirement is being satisfied through self-employment, rental income or savings of the sponsor/applicant is starting from £3,000 – £4,500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Long residence in the UK

Once a migrant has lived in the UK continuously and lawfully for ten years, he/she may apply to settle in the UK on this basis.

Our fees for long residence ILR applications typically range between £3500 – £5500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the specific type of application as well as the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.  Complex cases, for example, include those with substantial excess absences or good character issues.

Our fees for individual ILR applications typically range between £2500 – £3500 plus VAT* depending upon the type of application (for example Tier 2 ILR applications are likely to be on the lower end of the range and Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) accelerated ILR applications are likely to be on the higher end of the range) as well as the specific issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Appendix FM – Indefinite Leave to Remain (settlement) £2,500 – £4,500 plus VAT* (complex)


Adult dependant relative

An overseas adult relative of a person settled in the UK may apply for immigration permission if they require long-term care from their relative in the UK. The applicant may receive care from a UK resident parent, sibling, child or grandchild.  Our fees for adult dependant relative applications fee starts from £2300 – £3,500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities.


Domestic worker

Visas for domestic workers in private households enable individuals to apply for permission to visit the UK with their employers so they may continue working in their domestic capacity. Domestic workers can include cleaners, cooks, chauffeurs, personal carers and nannies. Our fees for individual Domestic Worker applications typically range between £2500 – £4500 plus VAT* depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Sponsor Licence

The Government operates a system of sponsorship for the employment of skilled Worker visa.  The employing organisation acts as the ‘sponsor’ and must first obtain a sponsor licence in order to issue Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) to highly skilled workers it wishes to employ. These certificates allow the prospective employees (and certain close family members) to apply for immigration permission under Skilled Worker category.

Our fees for  Skilled Worker sponsor licence applications typically range between £1300-£3,500 plus VAT* depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Certificate of sponsorship

A certificate of sponsorship, or CoS, is issued by approved sponsors to workers they wish to hire. The worker then uses the CoS to apply for their Skilled Worker visa. Home office fees  for issuing each certificate of sponsorship is £199.

Our fees for applying for Certificate of sponsorship is 700-1300 plus VAT* depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Skilled Worker visa

Our fees are the following:

Skilled Worker Entry Clearance £1,700 – £2,500 plus VAT*

Skilled Worker  Leave to Remain £1,700-2,500 plus VAT*

Skilled Worker  Indefinite Leave to Remain.  migrants who have spent a continuous period of 5 years in the UK £2,200- £3,500 plus VAT* All fees are depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Immigration Skills Charge

You might have to pay an additional charge when you assign a certificate of sponsorship to someone applying for a Skilled Worker or Senior or Specialist Worker visa. This is called the ‘immigration skills charge’. You must pay the immigration skills charge if you are applying for a visa from outside the UK to work in the UK for 6 months or more or inside the UK for any length of time. For a small or charitable sponsor, the Immigration Skills Charge is £364 for the first year and £182 for each additional six months.  For a medium or large sponsor, the charge is £1,000 for the first year and £500 for each additional six months.

Family members of applicants under the Points-Based-System – Skilled Worker

Applying with or to join a family member who is making an application/ already granted with a visa under the Points-Based-System (PBS).

  • Skilled worker / PBS  Dependant partner Entry Clearance or Skilled worker /PBS Dependant partner In-Country Switch from £1,600 plus VAT*,
  • For each additional dependant child £1200 plus VAT*  applying at the same time
  • PBS Dependant partner Extension: £1,600 plus VAT 
  • For each additional dependant child £1200 plus VAT*  applying at the same time.
  • PBS Dependant partner Indefinite Leave to Remain: £2,200 plus VAT*
  • For each additional dependant Indefinite Leave to Remain £1800 plus VAT* applying at the same time .


Residing in the UK as an European Economic Area (EEA)  national or family member of an EEA national under EU settlement scheme

Our fees for individual applications under the EEA Regulations depending upon the exact type of application (for example a PR application based on continuous employment would be at the lower end of the range whereas complex derivative rights of residence cases are likely to be on the higher end of the range) as well as the specific issues, complexities and urgencies involved.


Our agreed fees for individual EEA applications are as follows:

EU Settlement Scheme family permit

Available if you are a family member of an EEA national or non-EEA national  wanting to enter the UK ( Entry clearance) 

£1500 – £2,500 plus VAT*

£2000-   £3500 plus VAT* (complex)


EU settlement scheme limited leave to remain.( In country) 

Available for EEA nationals currently residing in the UK to confirm status in the UK

£1500- £2,500 plus VAT*

£2,000-£3,500 plus VAT* (complex)


EU settlement scheme indefinite leave to remain

Available to EEA nationals or family members of EEA nationals who have been residing in the UK for 5 continuous years.

Our fees for EU settlement scheme indefinite leave to remain satisfying through only employment is starting from £2000-£3500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Our fees for EU settlement scheme indefinite leave to remain satisfying through a mix of student, employment, self-employment and self-sufficient are starting from £2,500 – £4000 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


EEA Family member

Our agreed fees for EEA family member (Spouse, Child)  applying at the same time as the main applicant range between £1500 – £3,000 plus VAT* depending upon the complexity of the application.

Our fees for EEA family member applying separately from the main applicant start from £1,500-£2500 plus VAT* and disbursements. Depending on the circumstances of the case, we may be able to offer a reduction if more than one dependant is applying at the same time.

EU settlement scheme indefinite leave to remain + Nationality + Passport:  £3,000 – £4000 plus VAT*

EU settlement scheme indefinite leave to remain+ Nationality + Passport: £4,000- £5000 plus VAT* (complex)


Sole Representative of Overseas Business / Senior or Specialist Worker visa (Global Business Mobility)

Employees of overseas businesses may apply for immigration permission to enter the UK: Available to applicants who are the representative of an overseas company and plan to set up a UK branch/ subsidiary. Also available for employees of a news agency on a long-term assignment to the UK.

Our agreed fee for Sole representative of overseas business / Senior or Specialist Worker visa (Global Business Mobility) is £3500 – £6500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Students – over 16 years old

The Tier 4 (General) sub-category is designed to enable overseas citizens aged 16 and over, to study in the UK at a university or college that holds a Tier 4 sponsor licence. Available to students who have been offered an unconditional offer for a course at the required level by an education provider, who is recognised as a Tier 4 Sponsor by the Home Office.

Our fees for individual Tier 4 applications typically range between £1500 – £3000 plus VAT* and disbursements depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Our fees for Parent of a Child at School £1,500 – £3,500 plus VAT* and disbursements depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

 Replace your visa with a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) – indefinite leave.

Available to those who hold settled status (Indefinite Leave to Remain) in the UK. You can apply for a BRP to replace the visa held within your passport. Our agreed fee for individual applications as follows:

No Time Limit Application -£800 – £1,200 plus VAT*

No Time Limit Application -£1,300 – £2,000 plus VAT* (complex)

Replace your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) with eVisa (online Immigration status)

Available to those who hold Indefinite Leave to Remain or Leave to remain in the UK. You can apply for a eVisa to  replace the BRP card. Our agreed fee for individual applications as follows:

BRP card to eVisa  £350 –  £1,200 plus VAT*

Settlement document, for example a passport containing a stamp or vignette sticker to eVisa £600 – £2,000 plus VAT* (complex)


People who have limited leave endorsed in a passport that is lost, stolen, damaged or due to expire can have their leave transferred to a BRP.

Transfer of Conditions:£600 – £1,000 plus VAT*

BRP is lost or stolen: £1,000 – £1,500 plus VAT*

BRP Replacement: £750 – £1,000 plus VAT*


Visiting the UK

If you are visiting the UK for any purpose (such as leisure or business), you may require a visit visa to enter the UK. The visitor provisions allow overseas nationals to visit the UK for a short period of time for leisure, business or another reason, for example, to receive private medical treatment.

Our agreed fixed fees for individual visitor visa applications typically range between £1000 – £1800 plus VAT* and disbursements, depending upon the exact type of application, complexities and urgencies involved.


Discretionary application

We often assist clients in cases where there appears to be no workable solution under the Immigration Rules, identifying potential areas of law we can challenge. We are often successful in getting applications approved on a discretionary basis.

Our fees for discretionary application in the UK application fee starts from £3,500 – £5500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities. For our discretionary application services and fees, please contact us.


Human rights application

We have advised individuals in the most compelling and compassionate circumstances. We are experienced in dealing with complex cases, often delivering innovative solutions with empathy and sensitivity. Our work in this sector includes advising overstayers, those who have entered the UK without permission, separated families, elderly dependants and incapacitated applicants as well as assisting with asylum claims, involving individuals from all walks of life.

Our fees for applications under Human rights start from £3,500 – £6000 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

20 Year Private Life / Private and Family Life / Over Stay less than 20 years  based on Insurmountable Obstacles  /  Exceptional Circumstances Application 

Private life can cover situations when you have lived in the UK for a long time, for example if you have spent 20 years in the UK; or if you are between 18 and 24 years old and you’ve lived continuously in the UK for more than half your life.

Our fees for Private life / Family life  application in the UK starts from £3,500 – £5500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities. For our discretionary application services and fees, please contact us.


Asylum application

Our fees for Asylum claim range between £4500 – £7500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the specific type of application as well as the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.

Our fees for family union application range between £1500 – £4000 plus VAT. The agreed fee will depend upon the specific type of application as well as the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Detention and Bail

Our fees for bail application range between £2000 – £4500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the specific type of application as well as the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Zambrano application

Our fees for Zambrano application range between £2000 – £4500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the specific type of application as well as the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Other Dependants entry clearance and leave to remain applications

We understand that being able to bring dependants with you is a vital consideration in the strategic planning of the immigration process. We offer comprehensive services for dependants from those of Skilled Worker visa to those in the most compelling and compassionate private life cases.

Our agreed fees for dependants applying at the same time as the main applicant range between £1700 – £3,500 plus VAT* depending upon the type of application (for example Skilled Worker visa  spouses and children are likely to be on the lower end of the range, whereas complex cases involving unmarried partners or sole responsibility of a child are likely to be on the higher end of the range).

Our fees for dependants applying separately from the main applicant start from £2,000-3000 plus VAT and disbursements. Depending on the circumstances of the case, we may be able to offer a reduction if more than one dependant is applying at the same time.


Challenging home office decisions

Whilst we have an impeccable success rate with applications, as experts in immigration law, we often advise clients whose applications have been refused. We deploy a variety of tactics to get the decision overturned, including:

  • requesting reconsideration
  • administrative review
  • appeal to the Immigration First-Tier and Upper Tribunals
  • judicial review

Certain types of refused applications can be appealed using the First-Tier Tribunal (Human rights claims and under the EEA Regulations). For the key stages of the First-Tier Tribunal appeal process, please see below:


Stage 1

Obtaining instructions, providing strategic advice and preparing an appeal form, including grounds of appeal. Appeals must be submitted within a limited timeframe depending on whether the application was made in-country or from outside of the UK. In-country appeals must usually be lodged within 14 days and out of country appeals must generally be lodged no later than 28 days.


Stage 2  


Tribunal processing and listing of appeal. First-Tier Tribunal appeals are currently listed approximately 8-24 weeks from lodging the appeal. We will prepare your appeal bundle and all the supporting documents for the hearing at First Tier Tribunal.


Stage 3    


Appeal hearing: An appeal can be decided on the day or alternatively, judgment may be reserved with a decision following in the post a few weeks after the hearing.


Stage 4   


Post-decision advice. Once an appeal has been decided we promptly provide post-decision advice, explaining the next steps.

The time taken to prepare an appeal varies considerably depending on the issues of the appeal. Depending on individual circumstances, we may be able to offer assistance with separate stages of the appeal process. Our fees for Stage 1 typically start from £1,500 -£2000 plus VAT* and disbursements.  Stage 3 starts from £1500-£3500 plus vat* and disbursements.

Our fees for managing the entire First-Tier Tribunal appeal process typically range between £2,000- £5000 plus VAT and depending upon the issues, urgencies and complexities involved.


Barristers Fees

For the appeal hearing itself, it is our usual practice to instruct high-quality barristers to represent you. We work closely with the barrister and in most appeals will arrange a meeting with you and the barrister prior to the hearing. We will discuss with you the options and offer you a range of experience and price. Costs for the barrister are likely to be in the range of £400-£2,000 plus VAT* if payable depending on the experience of the barrister.

Administrative Review

An Administrative Review is a review or reconsideration of your immigration application following refusal of the same by the Home Office UKVI. Refusal of certain immigration applications known as eligible decisions can only be challenged by way of Administrative Review . If you think that the Home Office, UKVI has made a mistake about the result of your application to remain in the UK or in refusing you entry to the UK at the border you can ask the Home Office UKVI to review the decision.


This review will be done by a different UKVI official, but using the same documents and facts sent with your original immigration application unless the refusal of the application was under the EU Settlement Scheme in which case you can send new or fresh evidence to be considered by the Home Office UKVI in Administrative Review.


If decision to refuse your immigration application is maintained following an Administrative Review, you then have the legal remedy to challenge the immigration decision further by way of Pre-Action Protocol For Judicial Review  Against Home Office UKVI and Judicial Review  In The Upper Tribunal .


Our agreed fixed fees for Administrative review  to the Home office typically range between £1500 – £3000 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities. 


Administrative review against the refusal of an entry clearance application


A person who has received an ‘eligible decision’ on an entry clearance application may apply for an Administrative Review. If the Entry Clearance Officer has refused your entry clearance application, the decision notice will tell you if you can apply for an Administrative Review  and how to apply.


Our agreed fixed fees for Administrative review  against entry clearance officers decision  typically range between £800 – £1500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will depend upon the issues, urgencies and complexities. For our discretionary application services and fees, please contact us.


Judicial Review

Pre-Action Protocol Representations:

We can submit Pre-Action Protocol to the Home Office before an application for permission to apply for Judicial Review which can be filed in the Upper Tribunal or Administrative Court.

Our agreed fixed fees for Pre-Action Protocol Representations to the Home office typically range between £1200 – £1500 plus VAT*. The agreed fee will cover all our work until decision by the paper application for permission to apply for Judicial Review is filed in the Upper Tribunal or Administrative Court.


Paper application to the Upper Tribunal or Administrative Court for Permission to apply for Judicial Review

Our fee for your paper application for permission to apply for Judicial Review is £2500 –£ 4000 plus VAT*.


Renewal of an application (for oral hearing) to apply for Permission to apply for Judicial Review

Our fee for oral hearing to apply for permission for Judicial Review is £1000 –£ 2000 plus VAT*.


Judicial Review Claim following the grant of permission

Our fee for a judicial review claim following the grant of permission is £1000 –£ 2500 plus VAT*.

(Above fees will not cover any disbursements to be incurred by us on your behalf e.g. Court fee, Barrister’s fee to draft the pre-action protocol letter and/or Judicial Review grounds, to appear before the Upper Tribunal Immigration Judge at the date of hearing, translation of documents, Medical Reports, expert report etc.)

 *Fee ranges are provided as an indicative guide only. Fees quoted may be lower or higher than the ranges given, depending on the individual circumstances of each case. For a bespoke quote, please contact us.


You can expect the main disbursements to include:

  • Home Office application fees (click here for the government’s visa/entry clearance fee calculator and here for a list of all Home Office fees);
  • Immigration Health Surcharge fees, if applicable;
  • Optional premium service fees for in-country and out-of-country applications; 
  • First Tier Tribunal Immigration and Asylum appeal fees. Tribunal appeal fees for oral hearing is £140. (which means that you will have a chance to give evidence in person before a judge). For a paper hearing £80. (For an appeal to be decided on the basis only of written evidence).For information on Tribunal appeal fees see here.
    Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber (UTIAC) for a judicial review court fees.
    Administrative review. See here.
  • Barristers’ fees. See here.
  • UK Passport fees.