Discretionary Applications / Outside The Rules
If your current circumstances do not allow you to apply under any of the categories within the Immigration Rules, it is possible to make an application outside of these rules. We assist clients in cases where no workable solution appears to exist under the current Immigration Rules and identify potential areas of law that can be challenged.We will submit the best-prepared application possible in your circumstances, thereby giving you the greatest chance of success.
Our solicitors are experienced at obtaining discretionary approval for challenging applications, for example in cases where a migrant might have overstayed or does not technically meet the requirements.
Immigration applications outside of the rules will usually be made on the basis of your human rights and it must be proved that you have particularly compelling circumstances why you should be granted leave in the UK. The Secretary of State will exercise their discretion as to whether or not to grant you leave on this basis.
As specialist human rights and immigration solicitors in the UK we have many years of experience of making these applications and have a high success rate. We will prepare for you a tailor-made application, particular to your circumstances, and will seek to make the process as stress-free as possible.
From the planning stage through to the to end we are able to assist with the application and help clients navigate the complex application process. Accordingly, please do not hesitate to get in touch for expert advice if you require assistance in understanding these requirements and if you would like to know more about how to apply.